
If you are in the habit of reading the paper or watching the news I'm sure you've noticed the number of organisations that are shedding staff like they're going out of fashion. Come to mention it, they probably are...

How this is done and what happens afterwards is paramount to the success of the change. Not much point reducing payroll if the remaining staff spend most of their time eating cream cakes mourning their mates and moaning, is there?

I've been made redundant twice so I know how it feels. I once was working on a change project, got handed a organisation chart for my department with my job missing... and then had to write about the new structure and get it issued to employees before I even had a chance to take it in for myself. Yep, I got a whole wardrobe of t-shirts with that experience!

The thing is that there is no such thing as job security. That doesn't mean though, that most people still don't get a shock if they discover their job is potentially for the axe.

How can it best be handled? How can you keep productivity up during the change? How can you ensure that the remaining employees are engaged and productive?

Simple, get in touch...